The entire Kollywood is brimming with joy almost all of as its favorite actors have become dads. Recently, Surya-Jyothika were blessed with a baby boy and now it’s the turn of actors Dhanush-Aishwarya. This morning 21st June, 2010, Aishwarya Dhanush delivered a baby boy at the Apollo Hospital in Chennai. The entire family including Superstar Rajnikanth were elated about the new member.
Dhanush conveyed the message of becoming a dad through Twitter – “Aishwarya gave birth to a baby boy today morning at 6 21 am!! I’m a father of 2 boys! Happy morning! God bless!’
It’s nice to hear good news from Dhanush and Aishwarya. Well, within the next few days, it’s going to be great news from Ajith Kumar too as his wife-actress Shalini has conceived again.
Dhanush conveyed the message of becoming a dad through Twitter – “Aishwarya gave birth to a baby boy today morning at 6 21 am!! I’m a father of 2 boys! Happy morning! God bless!’
It’s nice to hear good news from Dhanush and Aishwarya. Well, within the next few days, it’s going to be great news from Ajith Kumar too as his wife-actress Shalini has conceived again.